The FACTC Blog provides faculty a forum for diverse views on instructional issues related to community and technical colleges in Washington state. For information about FACTC (factc.org), contact Phil Venditti, Clover Park Community College, at phil.venditti@cptc.edu. For information about the FACTC Blog, contact Jennifer Wu, North Seattle Community College at jwu@sccd.ctc.edu. We welcome your feedback and ideas.

Nov 6, 2007

Technology: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

Line drawing by Mark Doerr, Spokane Fall Community College

Your teaching colleagues across the state have much to say about the omnipresent technology ... Read the newly released FACTC Focus 2007 - Techology: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly to find out what they think. Also compare salaries (page 19-21) at community and technical colleges across the state – full- and part-time faculty and college presidents.

“I believe faculty has to be motivated and inspired by change to seriously adapt to new technologies and continue to incorporate them into the classroom. Let’s face it: the way of our world in the future will be technologically based. I’m just trying to stay in line (never a step ahead!!) with change …” - J. Salas, Olympic College

“Choosing less technology does not mean that newbies (“noobs”) are dummies. But on another level, it affects how we relate to our students, who often seem to remain young each year as we grow, er, wiser.” - Lee Sledd, Tacoma Community College

"A new technology might not change what students have always learned in writing classrooms; but, in this case an online synchronous discussion [in a computer-equipped classroom" laid bare the mushroom roots where the discrete, private messiness of learning grows, and how it grows: through mysterious, half-blind, and unique, personally-felt underground connections."
- Jill Stukenberg, Clark College

Share your thought with us!

Jennifer Wu
North Seattle Community College