The FACTC Blog provides faculty a forum for diverse views on instructional issues related to community and technical colleges in Washington state. For information about FACTC (factc.org), contact Phil Venditti, Clover Park Community College, at phil.venditti@cptc.edu. For information about the FACTC Blog, contact Jennifer Wu, North Seattle Community College at jwu@sccd.ctc.edu. We welcome your feedback and ideas.

Feb 10, 2009

Are our students ready?

Students don't know the fundamentals of grammar. Students in a journalism class correctly answered, on average, less than half the questions on the test. We don't teach grammar, at least in transferable classes. Students should know how to use commas, how to identify run-ons and fragments and how to catch basic grammar errors before they ever get into college.

What do you think of the writing abilities of your entering students? How about math abilities?