The FACTC Blog provides faculty a forum for diverse views on instructional issues related to community and technical colleges in Washington state. For information about FACTC (factc.org), contact Phil Venditti, Clover Park Community College, at phil.venditti@cptc.edu. For information about the FACTC Blog, contact Jennifer Wu, North Seattle Community College at jwu@sccd.ctc.edu. We welcome your feedback and ideas.
SBCTC Mission Study and Faculty of the Future
The State Board of Community and Technical Colleges (SBCTC) has commissioned a Mission Study Task Force "to examine how well the college system is serving the people of Washington State, identify future needs, and recommend policies and strategies to meet those needs." Four faculty members across the system served on the task force. The mission study is now in the feedback gathering stage.
Among the findings related to faculty are education is increasingly focused on information assessment, critical thinking and problem-solving as well as knowledge acquisition; faculty are assuming a larger role as "learning organizers and guides"; digital content, open courseware and open textbooks are expanding exponentially. The study recommends the system "to offer accessible, affordable professional development opportunities focused on effective strategies to increase student achievement, especially for underserved populations and on using emerging web and mobile technologies to strengthen teaching and learning."
On a separate front, the American Federation of Teachers (AFT) is hosting a Faculty for the Future forum to promote a dialogue among Washington State faculty on the evolving role of higher education faculty.
Please share your opinion or concern by posting a comment or contacting your college FACTC representative.
Jennifer Wu
North Seattle Community College